Welcome to the Active Perception Conference
A conference honoring David Burr
Florence, September 3-5, 2023
Roberto Arrighi (University of Florence)
Elisa Castaldi (University of Florence)
Paola Binda (University of Pisa)
Monica Gori (IIT Genova)
The Active Perception Conference, honoring David Burr, is jointly organized by three ERC projects (GENPERCEPT, PUPILTRAITS, MYSPACE). Leading experts in sensory and perceptual neuroscience will gather to discuss the state of the art and future directions of the field. Items on the menu include motion processing, mapping of physical or conceptual spaces, multisensory perception, perceptual predictions, plasticity and development.
Our event is scheduled to fit between two related scientific events: ECVP in Cyprus (https://cyprusconferences.org/ecvp2023/) and the annual meeting of the Italian Society Physiology in Pisa. Please plan on being in Firenze by September 3rd afternoon and leaving on September 6th; the preliminary schedule is as follows:
September 3rd: check-in:
- workshop starts at 6pm with a welcome speech and opening lecture;
- dinner and after dinner meeting will follow.
September 4th:
- talks in the morning;
- unscheduled discussion in the afternoon;
- dinner and after dinner meeting.
September 5th:
- talks in the morning;
- visit of the Uffizi in the afternoon;
- dinner and after dinner closing remarks.
September 6th: check-out
Please download a copy of the program
The conference will take place at Grand Hotel Baglioni, located in the heart of Florence. For more info visit: https://www.hotelbaglioni.it/en
We have emailed all participants with information regarding their accomodation; please do not hesitate to contact us should any question arise
Getting there:
By Plane: Probably the best option is to fly to Firenze Airport and catch the tramway to the center (https://www.aeroporto.firenze.it/en/the-passengers/transport/tramway.html). There is also the nearby Pisa International Airport, located about 100 km away, and connected with Firenze through a bus and local trains.
By train: Alternatively, you could fly to Roma or Milano and catch a high-speed train to Firenze (https://www.trenitalia.com/en.html.). The Firenze high-speed railway station (Santa Maria Novella) is right by the city center.
By car: Probably the worst option. The historic center is relatively small, surprisingly chaotic and largely pedestrian-only.
Roberto Arrighi (University of Florence) | roberto.arrighi@nullunifi.it |
Elisa Castaldi(University of Florence) | elisa.castaldi@nullunifi.it |
Paola Binda (University of Pisa) | paola.binda@nullunipi.it |
Monica Gori (IIT Genova) | monica.gori@nulliit.it |
David | Alais | The University of Sydney |
Dora E. | Angelaki | New York University |
Janette | Atkinson | University College London |
Stefano | Baldassi | Google LLC |
Martin S. | Banks | University of California Berkeley |
Akshatha | Bhat | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Geoffrey M. | Boynton | University of Washington |
Doris | Braun | University of Giessen |
Frank | Bremmer | University of Marburg |
Aurelio | Bruno | University of Leicester |
David | Burr | Università di Firenze |
Brian | Butterworth | University College London |
Marisa | Carrasco | New York University |
Mazviita | Chirimuuta | The University of Edinburgh |
Marco | Cicchini | CNR Pisa |
Sofia | Crespi | Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele |
Stanislas | Dehaene | Collège de France & Inserm-CEA |
Ghislaine | Dehaene-Lambertz | CNRS & Inserm-CEA |
Michela | Del Viva | Università di Firenze |
Marc O. | Ernst | University of Ulm |
Ione | Fine | University of Washington |
Tom C.A. | Freeman | Cardiff University |
Karl R. | Gegenfurtner | University of Giessen |
Michael E. | Goldberg | Columbia University |
Melvyn A. | Goodale | University of Western Ontario |
Mark W. | Greenlee | University of Regensburg |
Lawrence R. | Harris | York University |
Lynne | Kiorpes | New York University |
Jan W. | Kurzawski | New York University |
Markus | Lappe | University of Münster |
Diana | Laurillard | University College London |
Claudia | Lunghi | CNRS & ENS, Paris |
Pascal | Mamassian | CNRS & ENS, Paris |
David P. | Melcher | New York University Abu Dhabi |
Kyriaki | Mikellidou | University of Cyprus. |
M. Concetta | Morrone | Università di Pisa |
J. Antony | Movshon | New York University |
David | Murphy | BIH Charité Berlin |
Peter | Neri | (TBC) – CNRS & ENS, Paris |
Tatiana | Pasternak | National Institute of Health |
Denis | Pelli | New York University |
Elizabeth | Pellicano | Macquarie University |
Arezoo | Pooresmaeili | European Neuroscience Institute Goettingen |
Martina | Poletti | University of Rochester |
Vincenzo | Romei | Università di Bologna |
Michele | Rucci | University of Rochester |
Giulio | Sandini | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Donatella | Spinelli | Università di Roma “Foro italico” |
Marco | Tamietto | Università di Torino |
Jessica | Taubert | University of Queensland |
Peter | Thompson | University of York |
Simon J. | Thorpe | CerCo-CNRS & Université de Toulouse |
Michela | Tosetti | IRRCS Stella Maris & Imago7 |
Marco | Turi | Università del Salento |
Preeti | Verghese | Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute |
Anna | Ma-Wyatt | University of Adelaide |
Xin-Yu | Xie | Peking University |
Eckart | Zimmermann | University of Düsseldorf |
Ehud | Zohary | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |