Conferences participation supported by ECSPLAIN
2018 – Talks at conferences Arrighi Roberto, Mikellidou Kyriaki, Tinelli Francesca, Montanaro Domenico, Morrone Maria Concetta, Plasticity of the human visual brain after an early cortical lesion, VII Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia, 23-24 November Morrone Maria Concetta, Visual plasticity in adults, in Retinitis Pigmentosa and after retinal prosthesis, Blind Brain Workshop, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italia, October 11-13 Morrone MC, Interactions between time, number and action in human parietal cortex, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Mikellidou, Kyriaky, Area prostriata in the human brain, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Lunghi Claudia, Visual Plasticity in Retinitis Pigmentosa, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Binda Paola, Pupillometry to index visual perception and its inter-individual difference, Département d’études cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, April 7-10 Binda Paola, Pupillometry reveals perceptual differences that are tightly linked to autistic traits in typical adults, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Benedetto Alessandro, Morrone M. Concetta, Rhythms in perception: action planning and behavioral oscillations, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Lunghi Claudia, Short-term monocular deprivation in human adults, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Arrighi Roberto, Shared numerosity mechansims for perception and action, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Binda Paola, 7T BOLD ocular dominance in V1 after monocular deprivation, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Cicchini Guido Marco, Visual plasticity after retinal implants, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Mikellidou Kyriaky, Plasticity of the human visual brain after an early cortical lesion, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Benedetto Alessandro, Saccadic suppression is embedded within extended oscillatory modulation of sensitivity, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Morrone MC, Development of motion processing: BOLD imaging in infants, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Anobile Giovanni, Links between spatial and temporal numersoity and math skills, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Burr David, Adaptable serial dependence, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Ho Tam, Trace of prior information in perceptual oscillations, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Benedetto Alessandro, Dissociable Saccadanic Suppression of pupillary and perceptual responses to light, InTo Brain Conference, Torino, Italia, May 25-27 Morrone Maria Concetta, Rhythms in perception: action planning and behavioral oscillations, Ernst Strungmann Institut, Frankfurt am Mein, Germany, April, 17-19 Benedetto A, Morrone MC, The rhythms of sensorimotor integration: action planning and perceptual oscillations, In Are we all chained to the rhythm? Periodicity in human perception and behavior. Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 24-27 Morrone MC, Plasticity of the adult visual cortex in human, talk at Cambridge University, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Physiology Building, 22 January 2018 Morrone MC, Plasticity of the adult visual cortex in human, talk at the University of Nottingham, External Seminar Series, School of Psychology, 24 January 2018 2018 – Poster sessions Bhat Akshatha, Kurzawski Jan, Anobile Giovanni, Biagi Laura, Tinelli Francesca, Morrone Maria Concetta, Bilateral Visual field maps in a patient with left eye microphthalmia and complete damage of the left LGN: A Case study, Blind Brain Workshop, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italia, October 11-13 Lunghi C., Daniele G., Binda P., Dardano A., Ciccarone A., Ferruccio S., Ceccarini G., Giusti L., Del Prato S., Morrone MC. Ocular dominance plasticity in obese subjects can be restored by wight loss. 18th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 18-23 Togoli I., Crollen V., Arrighi R., Anobile G., Collignon O. A shared numerical representation for action and perception in blind and sighted individuals. Blind Brain Workshop, IMT School for Advanced Studies , Lucca, Italy, October 11-13 Togoli, I., Anobile G., Domenici N., Burr D., Arrighi R. Measuring the numerosity perceptual field, ECVP, Trieste, Italy, August 25-31 Moscoso P., Anobile G., Arrighi R., Castandi E., Grassi E., Pedonese L., Burr DC. Spatial but not temporal numerosity thresholds correlate with formal math skills in childern. ECVP, Trieste, Italy, August 25-31 Arrighi R., Domenici N., Anobile G., Togli I., Burr DC. Distortion of perceived duration of visual stimuli induced by adaptation to tapping movements.. ECVP, Trieste, Italy, August 25-31 Antonella Pomè, Anobile Giovanni, Cicchini Guido Marco, Scabia Aurora, Burr David Charles, Evidence for the existence of three regimes of number perception, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Kurzawski Jan W., Paola Binda, Claudia Lunghi, Laura Biagi, Michela Tosetti, Maria Concetta Morrone, Short-term plasticity of 7T BOLD ocular dominance in adult human primary visual cortex, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Bhat Akshatha, Kurzawski Jan W., Anobile Giovanni, Tinelli Francesca, Biagi Laura, Morrone Maria Concetta, Bilateral Visual field maps in a patient with left eye microphthalmia and massive congenital brain damage involving the left geniculostriate pathway: A Case study, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Steinwurzel Cecilia, Animali Silvia, Binda Paola, Morrone Maria Concetta, Adult cortical plasticity peaks after every meal, ECVP, Trieste, Italia, August 25-31 Bhat Akshatha, Inhibitory surrounds of motion mechanisms revealed by continuous tracking, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Kurzawski Jan W, Bilateral Visual field maps in a patient with left eye microphthalmia and massive congenital brain damage involving the left geniculostriate pathway: a case study, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Lo Verde Luca, Duration Perception during Locomotion, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Menicucci Danilo, Gemignani Angelo, Sleep Slow Oscillations in Adult Humans after Short-Term Monocular Deprivation: a high-density EEG study, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Antonella Pomé, Perceived density follows item segmentation not physical density, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Steinwurtz Cecilia, Animali Silvia, Behavioral indices of plasticity and inhibition change with metabolism, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Turi Marco, Pupillometry reveals perceptual differences that are tightly linked to autistic traits in typical adults, SPADE Workshop, Pisa, Italia, June 16-18 Pomè Antonella, Anobile Giovanni, Cicchini Guido Marco, Scabia Aurora, Burr David Charles, Evidence for the existence of three regimes of number perception, SINS 2018- New Perspectives in Neuroscience: Research Results of Young Italian Neuroscientists, Napoli, Italia, February 23 Anobile Giovanni, Arrighi Roberto, Burr David C., Spatial and temporal subitizing reflects separate systems, neither of which predict math abilities, European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology 2018, Bressanone, 21-27 January 2018 2017 – Talks at Conferences Morrone MC, Development and plasticity of visual cortical network in humans, Lettura Magistrale al XXV CONGRESSO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI PSICOFISIOLOGIA E NEUROSCIENZE COGNITIVE, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma, 16 – 18 November 2017 Castaldi Elisa, Cicchini Guido Marco, Biagi Laura, Tosetti Michela, Rizzo Stanislao, Morrone Maria Concetta, Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis. European Retina Meeting, Paris, France Castaldi E., Cicchini GM., Cinelli L., Biagi L., Tosetti M., Rizzo S., Morrone MC. Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis. XVII SINS National Congress 2017, Ischia, Italy Lunghi Claudia, Early Visual Plasticity in Adult Humans, University Pompeu-Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), October 2017 Lunghi Claudia, Mechanisms and enhancement of late plasticity in amblyopia: From animal models to humans, DOG Conference 2017 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellshaft, German Ophthalmological Society), Berlin (Germany). 27/09/- 01/10/2017 Lunghi Claudia, Short-term deprivation of the amblyopic eye, combined with physical exercise, promotes long-term visual recovery in adult anisometropic patients, Joint Mid-term symposium of ERA-NET NEURON JTC’s 2015, Riga (Latvia). 18-19/09/2017 Lunghi Claudia, Ocular Dominance Plasticity in Audult Humans, SIF 207 (Società Italiana di Fisiologia), Pavia (Italy), 6-8/09/2017 Lunghi Claudia, Abnormal visual plasticity in obese subjects, ECVP 2017, Berlin, Germany, August 26-September 1 2018 Morrone MC., Benedetto A., Rhythmic modulation of human visual sensitivity synchronized with planning of saccades. 17th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 19-24, 2017 Burr D., Cicchini G.M., Anobile G. Spontaneous perception of numerosity in humans. 17th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 19-24, 2017 Arrighi R, Anobile G., Togoli I., Burr D. A generalized sense of number for perception and action. 17th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 19-24, 2017 Binda, P., Kurzawski J., Lunghi C., Biagi L., Tosetti M., Morrone M.C. Short-term monocular deprivation enhances 7T BOLD responses and reduces neural selectivity in V1. 17th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 19-24, 2017 Cicchini, G. M., Mikellidou, K., & Burr, D.C. The perceptual consequences of serial dependencies. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany, 27th-31st August 2017 Burr, D.C., Cicchini, G. M., Mikellidou, K. (2017). Serial-dependencies in the perception of orientation number, faces and bodies. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany, 27th-31st August 2017 Kurzawski, J.W., Binda, P., Lunghi, C., Biagi, L., Tosetti, M & Morrone M.C., Monocular Deprivation affects BOLD responses and Spatial Frequency tuning as measured with ultra-high field MR in adult humans, 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, 27 – 31 August 2017 Morrone M.C., Ocular dominance plasticity in V1 of adult humans. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, 27 – 31 August 2017 Morrone, M.C, Rhythmic modulation of perception synchronized with planning of action, OCCAM 2017 & socSMCs Workshop, Universiataet Osnabrueck, Osnabrueck, Germany, July 6 2018 Morrone, M.C., Oltre le frontiere: i pionieri della ricerca in Europa, TED talk dei Principal Investigator ERC, Università di Pisa, 15/03/2017 Morrone, M.C, Plasticity of the human visual system, Symposium on Learning to See: From Retinal to Brain Computations, Grasmeer, UK, 27th to 30th March 2017 Lunghi, C. Ocular Dominance Plasticity revealed by short-term Monocular Deprivation in adult humans, Symposium on Learning to See: From Retinal to Brain Computations, Grasmeer, UK, 27th to 30th March 2017 Benedetto, A, The temporal dynamics of vision for action and perception, Department of Psychology, University of Regensburg, 18-22/04/2017 Arrighi, R., Anobile G., Togoli I., & Burr D.C. A generalized sense of number shared between the perceptual and the action system, The origins of numerical abilities, The origins of numerical abilities, London, 20 – 23 February 2017 Arrighi, R., Togoli I., Fornaciai M. & Burr D.C. Motion-induced compression of perceived numerosity, 35th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (Italy), 22-27/01/2017 Anobile G., R. Arrighi, E. Castaldi, E. Grassi, L. Pedonese, P.A.M. Moscoso, F. Tinelli & D.C. Burr, Mathematical abilities are predicted by sensitivity to the numerosity of spatial arrays but not temporal sequences, European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology 2017, Bressanone, 22-27 January 2017 Cicchini, G.M., Psychophysical Evidence for a Numbersense, INS2017, Sitia, Greece. 21/06/2017 Cicchini, G.M., Temporal channels as revealed by human psychophysics, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. 14-15/06/2017 Cicchini, G.M., Serial Dependencies in perception and their functional role, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 30/03/2017 Cicchini, G.M., Mechanisms for stability across eye movements in humans, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 09/03/2017 Togoli I., A generalized sense of number. Neurocs Brown Bag Meeting, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium 13 April 2017 2017 – Poster sessions A.Benedetto, Lozano-Soldevilla D., Vanrullen R. Ambient luminance changes modulate oscillatory properties of the visual system. 17th Vision Science Society Meeting. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 19-24, 2017 Mikellidou, K., Kurzawski, J.W., Frijia, F., Montanaro D., Greco V., Burr D., Morrone, M. C. (2017). Area prostriata in the human brain. Vision Sciences Society annual meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida, USA,19th-24th May 2017 Pomè, A., Anobile, G., Cicchini, G.M., Burr, D.C. Perceived density follows item segmentation not physical density, European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP, Berlin 27- 31 August 2017 Togoli, I, Arrighi, R, Anobile, G, Crollen, V, Collignon, O. A shared numerical representation for action and perception in blind and sighted individuals. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, 27 – 31 August 2017 Lunghi C., Daniele C., Binda P., Dardano P., Annamaria C., Santini F., Ceccarini G., Giusti L., Prato S.D., Morrone M.C. Abnormal visual plasticity in obese subjects. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, 27 – 31 August 2017 Bhat A., Cicchini G.M., Burr D.C., Morrone M.C. Inhibitory surrounds of motion mechanisms revealed by continuous tracking. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, 27 – 31 August 2017 Anobile, G., Roberto Arrighi, Elisa Castaldi, Eleonora Grassi, Lara Pedonese, Paula A. M. Moscoso & David C. Burr, Mathematical abilities are predicted by sensitivity to the numerosity of spatial arrays but not temporal sequences, The origins of numerical abilities, London, 20 – 23 February 2017 2016 – Talks at conferences Burr, D., A generalized sense of number, Giornata Lincea Golgi: Brain and Mathematical Thinking, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma), 13/12/2016
Lunghi, Sale, Lepri, Sframeli, Dendramis, Lisi, Lepri & Morrone, Improvement of vision after short-term deprivation of the amblyopic eye in adult patients, ECVP 2016, Barcelona (Spain), 28/08-01/09/2016 Castaldi E, Cicchini GM, Cinelli L, Biagi L, Rizzo S and Morrone MC, Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis, ECVP 2016, Barcelona (Spain), 28/08-01/09/2016 Morrone M.C., Plasticity of the human visual system, keynote talk, APCV Conference 2016, Fremantle, Australia, 14-17 July 2016 Burr, D., Different coding strategies for the perception of stable and changeable facial attributes, APCV Conference 2016, Fremantle, Australia, 14-17 July 2016 Turi M., Muratori F., Motor Development, Intersubjectivity, and Motor Perception, Moving in Autism: Research Day, Lord Hope Building University of Strathclyde, Friday 3rd June 2016 Binda, P., La Risonanza Magnetica ad Ultra Alto Campo (UHF) a Pisa: I risultati dei primi progetti di ricerca applicativa svolti, Scuola Medica Università di Pisa, June 2016. Lunghi, C., Cross-modal Interactions without Visual Awareness, ASSC 20″ (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Annual Meeting), Buenos Aires (Argentina), 14-18/06/2016. Benedetto A., Morrone M.C., Saccadic preparation triggers visual oscillations in contrast sensitivity, International Multisensory Research Forum 2016, Suzhou, China, 15-18/06/2016 Morrone, M. C., Development and plasticity of the human visual cortex, Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China), 13/06/2016 Morrone M. C., Alice Tomassini, Tiziana Vercillo, Giulio Sandini, Cross-modal distortion of time during preparatory movements, International Multisensory Research Forum 2016, Suzhou, Cina, 15-18/06/2016. Morrone, M. C., Development and plasticity of the human visual system, Cognitive Science Colloquium series at the Institut d’Etudes Cognitives, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 6 December 2016 2016 – Poster sessions Cicchini, G. M., Marino, C., Mascheretti, S., Perani, D., Morrone, M. C., Strong motion deficits in Dyslexia associated with DCDC2 gene alteration, 34th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (Italy), 24-29/01/2016 Anobile, G., Castaldi, E., Turi, M., Tinelli, F., Burr, D., Numerosity but not texture-density discrimination correlates with math ability in children, 34th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (Italy), 24-29/01/2016 Arrighi, R., Anobile, G., Togoli, I., Burr, D., A generalized sense of number shared between the perceptual and the action system, 34th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (Italy), 24-29/01/2016 Lunghi, Sale, Lepri, Sframeli, Dendramis, Lisi, Lepri & Morrone, Short-term deprivation of the amblyopic eye, combined with physical exercise, promotes long-term visual recovery in adult anisometropic patients, SFN 2016, San Diego, California (USA), 12-16/11/2016 Binda, Kurzawski, Lunghi, Biagi, Morrone (2016), Adult plasticity of early visual areas after monocular deprivation measured with ultra-high field fMRI in humans, INSTITUTE OF NEUROSCIENCE-CNR Annual retreat – Padova, Sept. 13-16, 2016 Turi M., Tinelli F., Burr D., Sandini G. & Morrone M. C., Perception of grasping of biological movement in typical and autistic children, ECVP 2016, Barcelona (Spain), 28/08-01/09/2016 Castaldi E., Cicchini M., Cinelli L., Biagi L., Tosetti M., Rizzo S. and Morrone M.C., Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis, St. Pete Beach, Florida (USA), 13-18th May, 2016 Lunghi C., Sale A., Moderate levels of physical activity enhance short-term visual plasticity in adult humans, DOI: 10.1167/16.12.1100, VSS 2016, St. Pete Beach, Florida (USA), 13-18th May, 2016 Han, Lunghi & Alais, The temporal frequency tuning of CFS: peak suppression at low frequencies (co-author), DOI: 10.1167/16.12.1217, VSS 2016, St. Pete Beach, Florida (USA), 13-18th May, 2016 Mikellidou, K., Frijia, F., Montanaro, D., Greco, V., Burr, D., & Morrone, M. (2016), Cortical responses to moderate-and high-speed gratings extending 60° in the peripheral visual field, Journal of Vision, 16(12), 1179-1179 doi: 10.1167/16.12.1179, VSS 2016, St. Pete Beach, Florida (USA), 13-18th May, 2016 Mikellidou, K., Guido M Cicchini & David Burr, Serial-dependencies in the perception of orientation, London, Applied Vision Association Conference 19th December, 2016 2015 – Talks at conferences Morrone, M. C., Development and plasticity of primary visual cortex in humans, Neuroscience Seminars Cycle, Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), 16/12/2015 Castaldi E., Cicchini M., Cinelli L., Tosetti M., Rizzo S., Morrone M. C., Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis, Oxford, ESLRR, 23-28 September 2015 Mikellidou K., Frijia F., Montanaro D., Greco V., Burr D., Morrone M. C., A specialised brain area for analysis of rapid motion in the peripheral visual field, Cyprus, ESCOP, 13-21 September 2015 Binda P., Cicchini G.M., Burr D.C., Morrone M.C. (2015), Transaccadic spatial stability and pre-saccadic perception, European Conference on Eye movements, Vienna, 16- 21 August 2015. Binda, P., Population receptive fields in early visual areas: mapping of retinotopic space vs. representation of contextual information, IBRO (International Brain Research Organization), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2015. Lunghi C., Berchicci M., Morrone M. C., Burr D., Short-term monocular deprivation alters early components of Visual Evoked Potentials, Liverpool, ECVP 2015 Lunghi C., Cross-modal interactions during binocular rivalry and underlying neural mechanisms, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Morrone M. C., Motor command synchronizes rhythmic oscillation of contrast sensitivity and time perception, University of Sydney NSW 2006- Sensation, Perception & Cognition Interest Group, 24 March 2015 Morrone M. C., Development and plasticity of primary visual cortex in human, lecture at the School of Psychology Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience (CPCN), University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 13 March 2015 Morrone M. C., Development and plasticity of the human visual cortex and pathways, talk given at the Paediatric Rehabilitation team at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Western Australia, 6 March 2015 Morrone M. C., Development and plasticity of primary visual cortex in human, lecture at the University of Western Australia, School of Psychology, 3 March 2015 2015 – Poster sessions Castaldi E., Tinelli F., Biagi L., Morrone M. C., Supramodal mirror agnosia in patients with periventicular leukomalacia, SINS, Cagliari 8/10 October 2015 Castaldi E., Cicchini M., Cinelli L., Tosetti M., Rizzo S., Morrone M. C., Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis, SINS, Cagliari 8/10 October 2015 Binda P., Cicchini G. M., Burr D., Morrone M. C., Transaccadic spatial stability and pre-saccadic perception, SINS, Cagliari 8/10 October 2015 Benedetto A., Burr D., Spinelli D., Morrone M. C., Rhythmic modulation of human visual sensitivity depends on luminance, Liverpool, ECVP 2015 Mikellidou K., Turi M., Cicchini G. M., Burr D., Spatiotopic maps during head tilt, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Grillini A., Arrighi R., Cicchini G. M., Burr D., Assessment of auditory sensitivity by means of target tracking, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Tomassini A., Vercillo T., Morrone M. C., Changes in perceived visual time during rhythmic motor behavior, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Benedetto A., Morrone M. C., Burr D., Audio-visual temporal-order judgement reveals rhythmic oscillations in temporal bias, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Binda P., Cicchini G. M., Burr D., Morrone M. C., Transaccadic spatial stability and presaccadic perception, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Crespi S., Triolo G., Bandello F., Bianchi Marzoli S., Falini A., Morrone M. C., Multisensory cortical integration in patients with hereditary cone dystrophy, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Tinelli F., Cioni G., Sandini G., Morrone M. C., Perception of grasping biological movement in children with typical development and with cerebral palsy, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Castaldi E., Tinelli F., Cicchini G. M., Biagi L., Morrone M. C., Supramodal mirror agnosia in patients with periventicular leukomalacia, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Anobile G., Tinelli F., Gori M., Aagten-Murphy D., Bartoli M., Burr D., Cioni G., Morrone M. C., Cross-modal time perception, visual number and attention in very low birth weight children, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Lo Verde L., Morrone M. C., Lunghi C., Short-term monocular deprivation modulates early visuo-haptic interactions during binocular rivalry, Poster session, Pisa, IMRF, 13-16 June 2015 Lunghi, Emir, Morrone, Bridge, Short-term monocular deprivation alters GABA in the adult human visual cortex, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Turi, Burr, Igliozzi, Aagten-Murphy, Muratori, Pellicano, Children with autism spectrum disorder show reduced adaptation to number, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Togoli, Arrighi, Burr, A Generalized Sense of Numbers, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Lo Verde, Lunghi, Morrone, Short-term monocular deprivation modulates early visuo-haptic interactions during binocular rivalry, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Cicchini, Anobile, Burr, Efficient and Adaptive Coding in Vision, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Anobile, Tinelli, Cicchini, Arrighi, Gori, Aagten-Murphy, Bartoli, Burr, Cioni, Morrone, Time, Number and Attention in Very Low Birth Weight children, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Grillini, Arrighi, Cicchini, Burr, ASSESSMENT OF AUDITORY AND VISUAL SENSITIVITY BY MEAN OF TARGET TRACKING, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Mikellidou, Frijia, Montanaro, Greco, Burr, Morrone, A SPECIALISED AREA FOR ANALYSIS OF RAPID MOTION IN THE PERIPHERY, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Benedetto, Burr, Spinelli, Morrone, Rhythmic modulation of human visual sensitivity depends on luminance, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Binda, Benedetto, Cortical control of the Pupillary Light Response, Institute of Neuroscience – CNR Pisa RETREAT, 13th -15th May 2015 Arrighi, Cicchini, Tinelli, Cinelli, Rizzo, Morrone, Restoration of vision can also improve sound localization: cross-sensory calibration? 35th E.W.C.B.R.- EBBS (EUROPEAN BRAIN and BEHAVIOUR SOCIETY CONFERENCE) – Brides Les Bains, France, 7-14 March 2015 Castaldi E., Aagten-Murphy D., Tosetti M., Burr D., Morrone M.C., Effects of adaptation on numerosity decoding in the human brain. Images of the Mind: new frontiers in brain imaging – Milan, University of Milano-Bicocca, 9-10 April 2015. Lunghi C., Emir U., Morrone M. C., Bridge H., Short-term monocular deprivation alters GABA in the adult human visual cortex. Images of the Mind: new frontiers in brain imaging – Milan, University of Milano-Bicocca, 9-10 April 2015. Mikellidou K., Frijia F., Montanaro D., Greco V., Burr D., Morrone M. C., A specialised area for analysis of rapid motion in the periphery. Images of the Mind: new frontiers in brain imaging – Milan, University of Milano-Bicocca, 9-10 April 2015. Castaldi, Cicchini, Cinelli, Tosetti, Rizzo and Morrone, Visual BOLD response in late-blind subjects with Argus II retinal prosthesis, 35th E.W.C.B.R.- EBBS (EUROPEAN BRAIN and BEHAVIOUR SOCIETY CONFERENCE) – Brides Les Bains, France, 7-14 March 2015 Tinelli, Aghakhanyan, Mikellidou, Frijia, Arrighi, Greco, Morrone, Montanaro, Reorganization of the visual pathways after early-age tumor surgery: the contribution of functional magnetic resonance imaging and fiber tractography, 35th E.W.C.B.R.- EBBS (EUROPEAN BRAIN and BEHAVIOUR SOCIETY CONFERENCE) – Brides Les Bains, France, 7-14 March 2015. Benedetto, A., Cicchini, G.M.,Spinelli, D., Burr, D.C., Morrone, M.C. Luminance level rhythmically modulates early sensory function. New Perspective in Neuroscience: Research of Young Italian Neuroscientists (Poster). Naples, 26/02/2015 2014 – Talks at conferences Morrone, M. C., Plasticità della corteccia cerebrale dell’umano adulto, Università di Pisa, 10/12/2014 Morrone M. C., participation in the conference and its organizing committee and scientific board at the FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Society) meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Morrone M. C., New frontiers of human neuroimaging in Pisa: technical developments and new diagnostic methods. Workshop “Clinical Research and Innovation”, Pisa 04/07/2014 Burr D., Mikellidou K., Cicchini G. M., Thompson P., Fine sensitivity of orientation discrimination around vertical and horizontal results from both gravity and variable neural sensitivity, talk at IMRF 2014 (International Multisensory Research Forum 2014), Amsterdam 11-14/06/2014 Gori M., Vercillo T., Burr D., Cocchi E., Sandini G., Impairment of auditory spatial perception in congenitally blind children and adults, talk at IMRF 2014 (International Multisensory Research Forum 2014), Amsterdam 11-14/06/2014 Tomassini, A., Jacono, M., Sandini, G., Spinelli, D., Morrone, M. C. (2014, June). Voluntary action triggers rhythmic oscillations of visual contrast sensitivity. Oral presentation at 15th IMRF Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-14 June, 2014 Morrone M. C., Visual and tactile clocks are synchronized by the motor system?, Lecture at the Workshop on Perception and Action, School of Psychology, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk (UK), 9/6/2014 Morrone M. C., Action and time perception, Lecture at “Multisensory Perception for Action” Summer School, WildbadKreuth (Bavaria, Germany) 03/06 – 06/06/2014 Lunghi C., Emir U., Morrone M. C., Burr D., Bridge H., Transient Monocular Deprivation Affects Binocular Rivalry and GABA concentrations in Adult Human Visual Cortex, Talk at 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 16-21 May, 2014. Tomassini A., Gori M., Baud-Bovy G., Sandini G., and Morrone M. C., Motor commands induce time compression for tactile stimuli. Oral presentation at TIMELY International Conference on Timing and Time Perception, Corfu, Greece, March 31-April 3, 2014. Fornaciai M., Arrighi R., Burr D., Fast Translational Motion, but not Radial, Circular or Biological Motion, Causes Spatially Selective Adaptation of Event Duration, talk at ICTTP 2014 (International conference on timing and time perception), Corfù 31/03-03/04/2014 Morrone M. C., Tomassini A., Jacono M., Spinelli D., Sandini G., Rythmic oscillations of visual contrast sensitivity triggered by voluntary action and their link to perceived time compression, talk at ICTTP 2014 (International conference on timing and time perception), Corfù 31/03-03/04/2014 Burr D., Binda P., Cicchini G. M., Morrone M. C., Visual stability during saccades is achieved through transient changes in perceptual space and time, talk at ICTTP 2014 (International conference on timing and time perception), Corfu 31/03-03/04/2014 Morrone M. C., Gli orologi del cervello, lecture at Brain in Italy, Milano 15-16/03/2014 Morrone M. C., Development and plasticity of the visualcortex in humans, Lecture Disordini della funzione visiva e patologie del neurosviluppo: dalla diagnosi alla riabilitazione, Firenze 10-12/03/2014 2014 – Poster sessions Aghakhanyan, G., Tinelli, F., Mikellidou, K., Frijia, F., Arrighi, R., Greco, V., Morrone, M.C., & Montanaro, D., Reorganization of the visual pathways after early-age tumor removal assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging and fiber tractography, XXth Symposium Neuraradiologicum, Istanbul, 8-12 September 2014 Binda P., Benedetto A., Cortical control of the pupillary light response, poster at the FENS meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Anobile G., Tinelli F., Gori M., Aagten-Murphy D., Bartoli M., Cioni G., Burr D., Morrone M. C., Time, number and attention in very low birth weight children, poster at the FENS meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Arrighi R., Pooresmaeili A., Biagi L., Morrone M. C., Size adaptation affects the perceived size and the BOLD activation of area V1, poster at the FENS meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Turi M., Aagten-Murphy D., Burr D., Pellicano L., Reduced number adaptation in autism, poster at the FENS meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Cicchini G. M., Scifo P., Mascheretti S., Della Rosa P. A., Marino C., Perani D., Morrone M.C., Pronounced Visual-Motion Deficits In Developmental Dyslexia Associated With Alteration To Gene DCDC2. poster at the FENS meeting, Milano 5-9/07/2014 Lunghi C., Morrone M. C., Alais D., Congruent haptic stimulation reduces visual suppression during binocular rivalry, poster at IMRF 2014 (International Multisensory Research Forum 2014), Amsterdam 11-14/06/2014 Arrighi R., Cicchini G. M., Tinelli F., Cinelli L., Rizzo S., Morrone M. C., Restoration of vision also improve sound localization: cross-sensory calibration?, poster at IMRF 2014 (International Multisensory Research Forum 2014), Amsterdam 11-14/06/2014 Tomassini A., Jacono M., Sandini G., Spinelli D., Morrone M. C., Rhythmic oscillations of visual contrast sensitivity triggered by voluntary action. Poster at 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 16-21 May, 2014. Alais D., Lunghi C., Morrone M. C., Auditory and tactile signals combine to influence vision during binocular rivalry, Poster at 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 16-21 May, 2014. |