Concetta Morrone Extended Publications

Recent Publications and Concetta Morrone's Profile

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Reviews and commentaries

Burr DC, Morrone MC.Spatiotopic coding and remapping in humans. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Feb 27;366(1564):504-15.

Burr, D.C., Ross, J., Binda, P., and Morrone, M.C. (2010). Saccades compress space, time and number. Trends Cogn Sci 14, 528-533.

Ross, J., Morrone, M. C., Goldberg, M. E. & Burr, D. C. Changes in visual perception at the time of saccades. Trends in Neuroscience24, 131-121 (2001). PDF

See also: Ross, J., Morrone, M. C., Goldberg, M. E. & Burr, D. C. Response: 'Saccadic suppression' - no need for an active extra-retinal_ mechanism. Trends in Neuroscience 24, 317-318 (2001). PDF

Ross, J., Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Suppression of the Magnocellular Pathways during Saccades. Behavioural Brain Research 80, 1-8 (1996). PDF


Dispatches and primers for Current Biology


Morrone MC. (2010) Brain Development: Critical Periods for Cross-Sensory Plasticity. Current Biology 20(19): 1797


  • Burr, D.C., and Morrone, M.C. (2010). Vision: keeping the world still when the eyes move. Curr Biol 20, R442-444.
  • Burr, D. and C. Morrone (2006). "Perception: transient disruptions to neural space-time." Curr Biol 16(19): R847-9. PDF
  • Burr, D., & Morrone, C. (2006). Time perception: space-time in the brain. Curr Biol, 16 (5), R171-173.PDF
  • Burr, D. & Morrone, M.C. Vision: building a stable world from glance to glance. Curr Biol 15 (20), R839-840. PDF


Editoria lfor Special issue of Journal of Vision: Eye movements and the perception of a clear and stable visual world, Martinez-Conde S, Krauzlis R, Miller JM, Morrone MC, Williams D and Kowler E J Vis October 23, 2008 8(14): i; doi:10.1167/8.14.i




Published Papers

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Published Papers

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Campanella F, Sandini G, Morrone MC. (2011) Visual information gleaned by observing grasping movement in allocentric and egocentric perspectives. Proc Biol Sci. Dec 8. [Epub ahead of print]

Burr DC, Morrone MC. (2011) Spatiotopic coding and remapping in humans. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Feb 27;366(1564):504-15



Burr DC, Ross J, Binda P, Morrone MC. (2010). Saccades compress space, time and number. Trends in Cognitive SciencesDec;14(12):528-33. Epub


Binda P, Morrone MC, Ross J, Burr DC. (2010) Underestimation of perceived number at the time of saccades, Vision Research online 8 October 2010, ISSN 0042-6989, DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.09.028.

Schutz A, Morrone MC. (2010) Compression of time during smooth pursuit eye movements, Vision Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 4 August 2010, ISSN 0042-6989, DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.07.022


Binda P, Morrone MC, Burr DC. (2010) Temporal auditory capture does not affect the time course of saccadic mislocalization of visual stimuli. Journal Of Vision, vol. 10(2),pp 1,tot.pag 12

Morrone MC, Cicchini M, Burr DC. (2010) Spatial maps for time and motionExperimental Brain Research, pp 350-358


Binda, P., Morrone, M. C., & Burr, D. C. (2010). Temporal auditory capture does not affect the time course of saccadic mislocalization of visual stimuli. Journal of Vision10(2):7, 1-13,, doi:10.1167/10.2.7.

Lunghi, C, Binda, P and Morrone, MC (2010)Touch disambiguates rivalrous perception at early stages of visual analysis. Current Biology,10(4), R143-R144, 23 Feb 2010.



Cicchini, GM and Morrone, MC (2009) Shifts in spatial attention affect the perceived duration of events. J of Vision 9(1), Article 9, Pages 1-13 PubMed PMID: 19271879

Burr, D, Baldassi, S, Morrone, MC , Verghese, P.(2009) Pooling and Segmenting Motion Signals. Vision Research 49(10):1065-72. Epub 2008 Dec 16.

Burr, D, Silva, O, Cicchini, GM, Banks, MS and Morrone, MC (2009) Temporal mechanisms of multimodal binding Proc. R. Soc. B276:1761-1769; . PubMed PMID: 19324779; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2674495

Binda P, Cicchini GM, Burr DC, Morrone MC. (2009) Spatiotemporal distortions of visual perception at the time of saccades. J Neurosci. 29(42):13147-57. Oct 21; PubMed PMID: 19846702.

Burr D, Banks MS, Morrone MC. Auditory dominance over vision in the perception of interval duration. Exp Brain Res. 2009 Sep;198(1):49-57. Epub 2009 Jul 14.PubMed PMID: 19597804


Morrone, MC, Gazzetta, A, Tinelli, F, Tosetti, M,  Del Viva, M, Montanaro, D, Burr, D and Cioni, C (2008) Inversion of Perceived Direction of Motion Caused by Spatial Undersampling in Two Children with Periventricular Leukomalacia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20(6):1094-106

Perna, A, Tosetti, M, Montanaro, D and Morrone, MC (2008) BOLD response to spatial phase congruency in human brain. J of Vision, 2008 Dec 22;8(10):15.1-15

A. Puiatti, P. Binda, M. Cicchini, S. Giordano and M. C. Morrone, “A Wireless Sensor Networks Platform for Modelling Space Perception During Saccadic Eye-Movements”,  IMEKO TC1-TC7 Events Series - proceedings



Burr, D., Tozzi, A., & Morrone, M.C. (2007). Neural mechanisms for timing visual events are spatially selective in real-world coordinates. Nat Neurosci, 10 (4), 423-425.

d'Avossa, G., Tosetti, M., Crespi, S., Biagi, L., Burr, D.C., & Morrone, M.C. (2007). Spatiotopic selectivity of BOLD responses to visual motion in human area MT. Nat Neurosci, 10 (2), 249-255.

Binda, P., Bruno,A.,  Burr, D.C.,  and Morrone, M.C.  (2007) Fusion of Visual and Auditory Stimuli during Saccades: A Bayesian Explanation for Perisaccadic Distortions. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(32), 8525-32.

Bruno, A and Morrone, MC (2007) Influence of saccadic adaptation on spatial localization: comparison of verbal and pointing reports. J of Vision 5(9):7, 741-754,, doi:10.1167/5.9.7


Perna, A., & Morrone, M.C. (2007). The lowest spatial frequency channel determines brightness perception. Vision Res, 47 (10), 1282-1291.

Tozzi, A., Morrone, M.C., & Burr, D.C. (2007). The effect of optokinetic nystagmus on the perceived position of briefly flashed targets.Vision Res, 47 (6), 861-868.

Chirimuuta, M., Burr, D., & Morrone, M.C. (2007). The role of perceptual learning on modality-specific visual attentional effects. Vision Res, 47 (1), 60-70.



Burr, D., McKee, S., & Morrone, C.M. (2006). Resolution for spatial segregation and spatial localization by motion signals. Vision Res,46 (6-7), 932-939.

Burr, D., & Morrone, C. (2006). Time perception: space-time in the brain. Curr Biol, 16 (5), R171-173.

Del Viva, M. M., & Morrone, M. C. (2006). A feature-tracking model simulates the motion direction bias induced by phase congruency.Journal of Vision6(3), 179-195,, doi:10.1167/6.3.1.

Alais, D., Morrone, C., & Burr, D. (2006). Separate attentional resources for vision and audition. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 273, 1339-1345.

Burr, D., & Morrone, C. (2006). Perception: transient disruptions to neural space-time. Curr Biol, 16(19), R847-849.

Bruno, A., Brambati, S. M., Perani, D., & Morrone, M. C. (2006). Development of saccadic suppression in children. J Neurophysiol, 96(3), 1011-1017.


Rhodes G, Peters M, Lee K, Morrone MC and Burr D. (2005) Higher-Level Mechanisms Detect Facial Symmetry. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 272 (1570), 1379-1384. PDF

Perna A, Tosetti M, Montanaro D and Morrone M C (2005) Neuronal mechanisms for brightness perception in humans. Neuron. 47:645-651. PDF

Morrone MC, Ma-Waytt A and Ross J. (2005) Seeing and ballistic-pointing at perisaccadic targets. Journal of Vision, 5(9), 741-754,, doi:10.1167/5.9.7.

Morrone, C., Ross, J. & Burr, D. Saccades cause compression of time as well as space. Nature Neuroscience 8 950 - 954 (2005). PDF

See also Eagleman, D. Distortions of time during rapid eye-movements. Nature Neuroscience 8 850 - 851 (2005). PDF

Awater, H., Burr, D., Lappe, M., Morrone, M. C. & Goldberg, M. E. The effect of saccadic adaptation on the perception of visual space.J. Neurophysiology 93 3605-3614 (2005) PDF



Morrone, M C, Denti, V & Spinelli, D. (2004) Different attentional resources modulate the gain mechanisms for color and luminance contrast. Vision Res, 44 (12), 1389-1401.

Melcher, D, Crespi, S, Bruno, A & Morrone, MC (2004) The role of attention in central and peripheral motion integration. Vision Res, 44(12), 1367-1374.


Melcher, D., & Morrone, M.C. (2003). Spatiotopic temporal integration of visual motion across saccadic eye movements. Nat Neurosci, 6 (8), 877-881PDF

Scognamillo, R., Rhodes, G., Morrone, C. & Burr, D. A feature-based model of symmetry detection. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 270, 1727-33 (2003). PDF



Santoro, L., Burr, D. & Morrone, M. C. Saccadic compression can improve detection of Glass patterns. Vision Res 42, 1361-6 (2002).PDF

Morrone, M.C., Denti, V., & Spinelli, D. (2002). Color and luminance contrasts attract independent attention. Curr Biol, 12 (13), 1134-1137.


Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Ross, J. Separate visual representations for perception and action revealed by saccadic eye movements.Curr Biol 11, 798-802 (2001). PDF

See also Husain, M. & Jackson, S. R. Vision: Visual space is not what it appears to be. Curr Biol 11, R753-5 (2001). PDF

Di Russo F, Spinelli D & Morrone M C (2001) Automatic gain control contrast mechanisms are modulated by  attention in human: evidence from visual evoked potentials. Vision Research 2435-2447.

Fahle M., biester A, Morrone M C. (2001) Spatiotemporal interpolation and quality of apparent motion. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2001;18(11):2668-78.

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Morrone, Mc, Tosetti, M, Montanaro, D. Fiorentini A. Cioni, G. & Burr D C (2000) “A cortical area that responds specifically to optic flow, revealed by fMRI. Nature Neuroscience3: 1221-1228. PDF

Diamond M R, Ross J, Morrone M C (2000) “Extraretinal Control of saccadic Suppression” J. Neurosci. 20:3442 - 3448.



Porciatti, V., Fiorentini, A., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. The effects of ageing on reaction times to motion onset. Vision Research 39, 2157-2164 (1999).

Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C., Di Pietro, S. & Stefanelli, M. A. Cardinal directions for visual optic flow. Current Biology 9, 763-766 (1999).PDF

Burr, D. C., Morgan, M. J. & Morrone, M. C. Saccadic suppression precedes visual motion analysis. Current Biology 9, 1207-1209 (1999). PDF

Morrone M C, Atkinson J, Cioni G, Braddick O J, Fiorentini A, 1999 “Development changes in optokinetic mechanisms in the absence of unilateral cortical control.” Neuroreport 10, 1-7, 1999.


Neri, P., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Seeing Biological motion. Nature 394, 894-896 (1998). PDF

Burr, D. C., Fiorentini, A. & Morrone, M. C. Reaction time to motion onset of luminance and chromatic gratings is determined by perceived speed. Vision Research 38, 3681-3690 (1998). PDF

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Vaina, L. Large receptive fields for optic flow direction in humans. Vision Research 38, 1731-1743 (1998). PDF

Del Viva, M.M. & Morrone, M.C. (1998) Motion Analysis by feature tracking. Vision Research. 38: 3633-3655.



Ross, J., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Compression of visual space before saccades. Nature 384, 598-601 (1997).

Morrone, M. C., Ross, J. & Burr, D. C. Apparent position of visual targets during real and simulated saccadic eye movements. J. Neuroscience 17, 7941-7953 (1997). PDF

Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Capture and transparency in coarse quantized images. Vision Research 37, 2609-2629 (1997). PDF



Morrone, M. C., Fiorentini, A. F. & Burr, D. C. Development of the temporal properties of visual evoked potentials to luminance- and colour-contrast in infants. Vision Research 36, 3141-3155 (1996). PDF

Martini, P., Girard, P., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. Sensitivity to spatial phase at equiluminance. Vision Res. 36, 1153-1162 (1996). PDF

Fiorentini, A., Porciatti, V., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Visual ageing: unspecific decline of the response to luminance and colour.Vision Research 36, 3557-3566 (1996). PDF

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Temporal impulse response functions for luminance and colour during saccades. Vision Research 36, 2069-2078 (1996). PDF

Ross, J., Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Suppression of the Magnocellular Pathways during Saccades. Behavioural Brain Research 80, 1-8 (1996). PDF


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Morrone, M. C., Navangione, A. & Burr, D. An adaptive approach to scale selection for line and edge detection. Pattern Rec. Letters16, 667-677 (1995).

Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Vaina, L. Two stages of visual processing for radial and circular motion. Nature 376, 507-509 (1995).PDF



Spinelli, D. S., Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Spatial neglect is associated with increased latencies of visual evoked potentials. Visual Neuroscience, 909-918 (1994).

Morrone, M. C., Porciatti, V., Fiorentini, A. & Burr, D. C. Pattern-reversal electroretinigram in response to chromatic stimuli: I Humans.Visual Neuroscience 10, 861-871 (1994).

Morrone, M. C., Fiorentini, A., Bisti, S., Porciatti, V.  & Burr, D. C. Pattern-reversal electroretinogram in response to chromatic stimuli: II monkey. Visual Neuroscience 10, 873-884 (1994).

Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Ross, J. Illusory brightness step in the Chevreul illusion. Vision Res. 34, 1567-1574 (1994).

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Ross, J. Selective suppression of the magnocellular visual pathway during saccadic eye movements.Nature 371, 511-513 (1994). PDF

Girard, P. & Morrone, M.C. (1994) Spatial structure of chromatically opponent receptive fields in human visual system Visual Neuroscience 12 103-116.



Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Fiorentini, A. Development of infant contrast sensitivity to chromatic stimuli. Vision Research 33, 2535-2552 (1993). PDF

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Impulse response functions for chromatic and achromatic stimuli. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 10, 1706-1713 (1993).



Porciatti, V., Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Fiorentini, A. The effects of ageing on the pattern electroretinogram and visual evoked potential in humans. Vision Res. 32, 1199-1209 (1992).

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Fiorentini, A. Electro-physiological investigation of edge-selective mechanisms of human vision. Vision Research 32, 239-247 (1992).



Speed, H. D., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. The effects of monocular deprivation on the development of visual inhibitory interactions in kittens. Visual Neuroscience 7, 335-344 (1991).

Morrone, M. C., Speed, H. D. & Burr, D. C. Development of inhibitory interactions in kittens. Visual Neuroscience 7, 321-334 (1991).

Anderson, S. J., Burr, D. C. & , M. C. Morrone. The two-dimensional spatial and spatial frequency properties of motion sensitive mechanisms in human vision. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 8, 1340-1351 (1991).


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Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Fiorentini, A. Development of infant contrast sensitivity and acuity to chromatic stimuli. Proc Roy Soc B242, 134-139 (1990).



Ross, J., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. The conditions for the appearance of Mach bands. Vision Res. 29, 699-715 (1989).

Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Spinelli, D. Discrimination of spatial phase in central and peripheral vision. Vision Res. 29, 433-445 (1989).

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Spinelli, D. Evidence for edge and bar detectors in human vision. Vision Res. 29, 419-431 (1989).



Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Feature detection in human vision: a phase dependent energy model. Proc. R. Soc. (Lond) B235, 221-245 (1988). PDF



Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Speed, H. D. Cross-orientation inhibition in cat is GABA mediated. Expl. Brain Res. 67, 635-644 (1987).

Burr, D. C., Fiorentini, A. & Morrone, M. C. Electrophysiological correlates of positive and negative afterimages. Vision Res. 27, 201-207 (1987).

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. Inhibitory interactions in the human visual system revealed in pattern visual evoked potentials. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 389, 1-21 (1987).

Morrone, M.C. & Owens, R. (1987) Feature detection from local energy. Pattern Rec. Letters. 1 103-113.



Morrone, M. C., Ross, J., Burr, D. C. & Owens, R. Mach bands depend on spatial phase. Nature 324, 250-253 (1986). PDF

Morrone, M. C., Di Stefano, M. & Burr, D. C. Spatial and temporal selectivity of neurones of the lateral suprasylvian gyrus of the cat. J. Neurophysiol. 56, 969-986 (1986).

Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Evidence for the existence and development of visual inhibition in humans. Nature 321, 235-237 (1986).PDF

Hayes, A., Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Ross, J. Recognition of positive and negative bandpass-filtered images. Perception 15, 595-602 (1986).

Burr, D. C., Ross, J. & Morrone, M. C. Smooth and sampled motion. Vision Research 26, 643-652 (1986). PDF

Burr, D. C., Ross, J. & Morrone, M. C. A spatial illusion from motion rivalry. Perception 15, 59-66 (1986).

Burr, D. C., Ross, J. & Morrone, M. C. Seeing objects in motion. Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lond) B227, 249-265 (1986). PDF

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Ross, J. Local and global visual analysis. Vision Res. 26, 749-757 (1986).


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DiStefano, M., Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Spatial acuity of cells of the post medial lateral suprasylvian gyrus. Brain Res. 331, 382-385 (1985).

Burr, D. C., Ross, J. & Morrone, M. C. Local regulation of luminance gain. Vision Res. 25, 717-728 (1985).



Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Ross, J. Noise and recognizability of coarse quantized images. Nature 308, 211-212 (1984).

Berardi, N. & Morrone, M. C. (1984) The role of  g-aminobutyric acid mediated inhibition in the response properties of cat lateral geniculate nucleus neurones. J. Physiol. 357 505- 523.

Berardi, N. & Morrone, M.C. (1984) Development of   g-aminobutyric acid mediated inhibition of X cells of the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Physiol. 357 525-537.


Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Ross, J. Added noise restores recognition of coarse quantised images. Nature 305, 226-228 (1983).



Morrone, M. C., Burr, D. C. & Maffei, L. Functional significance of cross-orientational inhibition: part I Neurophysiological evidence.Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) B216, 335-354 (1982).



Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Maffei, L. Intracortical inhibition prevents simple cells from responding to textured patterns. Exp. Brain Res. 43, 455-458 (1981).

Cattaneo, A., Maffei, L. & Morrone, M. C. (1981) Patterns in the discharge of simple and complex visual cortical cells. Proc. Roc. Soc. (Lond.) B 212 279-297.

Cattaneo, A., Maffei, L. & Morrone, C. (1981) Two firing patterns in the discharge of complex cells encode different attributes of the visual stimulus. Exp Brain Research 43 115-118.


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Hoffmann, K.P., Morrone, C. & Reuter, J.H. (1980) A comparison of the response of simple cells in the LGN and visual cortex to bar and noise stimuli in cat. Vision Research 20 771- 777.


Maffei, L., Morrone, M.C., Pirchio, M. & Sandini, G. (1979) A perceptual phenomenon and its neurophysiological correlate. Perception 843-46.

Maffei, L., Morrone, M. C., Pirchio, M. & Sandini, G. (1979) Response of visual cortical cells to periodic and non-periodic stimuli. J. Physiol. 296 27-47.


Book Chapters


Morrone, M C and Burr, D C (2010) Space-Time in the brain. in Attention and Time. Nobre & Coull, editors. Oxford University Press pages:177-186.


Morrone, MC and Burr, DC (2009) Visual stability during saccadic eye movements The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3rd Edition, Gazzanigaet al., editors. MIT Press(Cambridge)


Morrone, M.C., Ross, J., & Burr, D.C. (2007). Keeping vision stable: rapid updating of spatiotopic receptive fields may cause relativistic-like effects. In: R. Nijhawan (Ed.) Problems of Space and Time in Perception and Action (Cambridge: CUP).


Melcher, D  and Morrone, M C (2007) Transsaccadic memory: Building a stable world from glance to glance. In R.P.G. van Gompel, R.P.G., M.H. Fischer, W.S. Murray, & R.L. Hill (Eds.). Eye-movements: A window on mind and brain. Oxford: Elsevier. 213-236.


Morrone, M.C., Ross, J., and Burr, D.C. (2006). Keeping vision stable: rapid updating of spatiotopic receptive fields may cause relativistic-like effects. In Space and time in perception and action, R. Nijhawan, ed. (Cambridge: CUP). In press PDF

Burr, D. & Morrone, M. C. in The visual neurosciences (eds. Chalupa, L. & Werner, J.) 1391-1401 (MIT Press, Boston, 2004).

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Ross, J. in John Dalton's colour vision legacy. (ed. C.M. Dickinson, I. M. D. C.) (Talor and Francis, London, 1996).

Morrone, M.C. & Bedarida, L. (1996) A model of cone interaction for coding chromatic information. In John Dalton's colour vision legacy. 599-610 (Edited by Dickinson, Murray & Carden.). Taylor and Francis, London

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Fiorentini, A. in EBBS workshop series: development of infant vision. (ed. F. Vital-Durant, J. A. O. B.) 63-77 (OUP, Oxford, 1996).

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. in Higher-order processing in the visual system. (ed. Morgan, M. J.) (John Wiley, London, 1994).

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. (ed. Levialdi, B.) (Word Scientific, 1994).

Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. in Robots and biological systems: Towards a new Bionics? (ed. Dario, P., Sandini, G. & Aebischer, P.) 43-64 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993).

Morrone, M. C. & Burr, D. C. Meccanismi visivi per la percezione di strutture e caratteristiche di immagini. Sistemi Intelligenti 4, 7-28 (1992).

Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. in Non-linear vision. (ed. Nabet, R. B. P. a. B.) 309-328 (CRC Press, Inc., 1992).

Fiorentini, A., Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. in From Pigment to Perception: Advances in understanding visual processing. (eds. Valberg, A. & Lee, B. B.) 139-150 (Nato ASIS series 203, Berlin, 1991).

Burr, D. C., Morrone, M. C. & Fiorentini, A. in From Pigment to Percpetion: Advances in understanding visual processes. (ed. Lee, A. V. a. B. B.) 185-187 (Nato ASI Series 203, Berlin, 1991).


Burr, D. C. & Morrone, M. C. in Vision: Coding and Efficiency (ed. Blakemore, C.) 185-194 (CUP, Cambridge, 1990).



Last update: 31 January 2011